Collaborative Workshops address Antimicrobial Resistance in Ecuador

Faculty and students from UBC’s SPPH recently participated in collaborative events to address antimicrobial resistance in Ecuador.

Drs. Annalee Yassi and Jerry Spiegel were joined by Dr. David Patrick, Director, School of Population and Public Health, and Global Health Research Program graduate students, Bjorn Stime and Nelson Gorrin, as they participated in workshops hosted by the University of Andina Simon Bolivar (Quito) and the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

In addition to the two-day workshops in Quito, some members of attended an innovative “Microbes and the Arts” day in Cuenca. This was a collaboration of several faculties at the University of Cuenca, led by the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Arts. The day featured creative costumes, banners, song, dance, and other performative activities focused on spreading the message about the responsible use of antibiotics.

Georgina Nelson with cups and food in backgroundYogurt and bread – two products that require microbes – was given to participants and passers-by, to convey the message that microbes play an important role for health and healthy ecosystems, so should not be unnecessarily destroyed by incorrect use of antibiotics. The day also included the launch of a photovoice project called Fotoresistencia.

SPPH faculty and students will continue to be involved in follow-up activities related to this initiative.

For more information and to view pictures from these events, please click here

One response to “Collaborative Workshops address Antimicrobial Resistance in Ecuador”

  1. Toby Champney

    Collaborative Workshops address Antimicrobial Resistance in Ecuador | Global Health Hub